Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Visa Trouble

Bad news bears came in the mail today. My visa application got denied.

The stupid visa took me three hours to assemble because you have to fill out an application, scan your passport, driver's license, and student ID, attach four recent photos, attach a money order (which I didn't even know what that was until this application), include a letter of recommendation from someone in Ghana, and two addresses of people you know in Ghana. Gesh! Then you have to FedEx the whole thing, and include a prepaid overnight FedEx envelope for them to mail it back to you in, which ended up costing a ton of money. So finally, finally I finish it last week. I track the package on FedEx every few days to see where my passport and application is. Today I get the package back, untouched except for a scribble written in a child's handwriting with magic marker saying "photo unacceptable".

What? How is my photo unacceptable? And seriously, after all that work?

So I'm a bit lost about what to do now. Hopefully I can resubmit the application in time.... :-/

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