Thursday, May 26, 2011

Dreams & Pre-Trip Thoughts

So I had a dream last night that I couldn't figure out how to pack for Ghana, and freaked out, and forgot a bunch of things like shampoo which I can't buy in Ghana. I guess having a dream like that is my subconscious telling me that I am a bit nervous for the trip, even if I don't consciously feel nervous.

The dream reminded me that this trip is a pretty big deal, and it's stretching my comfort zone. It's the longest trip I've ever been on - five weeks - and I've never been anywhere in Africa before so I don't really know what to expect. I'm not worried about anything, and I know I will have an amazing time, but still, it's strange going somewhere I can't even picture or imagine.

Ghana is going to be so different from here. I'll be staying on an agriculture site, which I've never done. We will be pretty isolated in a rural environment, which is very different than living in the middle of a huge city like I do for most of the year at USC. There is no running water, which is something I've never experienced. In Cambodia I visited places without running water but it was only for the weekend -- this time it's for five weeks.

Although I am starting to get a bit nervous, I am WAY more excited. It's going to be a once in a life time adventure. Who gets the chance to do a research fellowship in Ghana for the summer? That's a pretty spectacular opportunity, and I feel really lucky to have it. I can't wait to be immersed in a whole different culture from my own, and to experience a way of living that is very different from my home life. I'm excited to interview people and to do research, and gain insight into secondary education. Ah I just can't wait! Under a week now.... :)

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